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Actor sinks to the toxic level of gossip

Speaking of ones personal truth, and this is not to beat a dead horse against a rock the way others continuously do on regular basis, but the real truth is those that fall into gossip won’t pay any attention to this unless you bring it up.  They are certainly addicted to drama!  I’ve run tests to back this concept up with others.   You have to throw a ball at someone’s face to get the ego’s attention, which isn’t hard by the way.  The ego is easy to mess with and that has been evident more than ever before in history.  This is especially the case now that we have the Internet and social media, which gives the darkness of ego license to consistently feed the universe this recycled garbage train of gossip and drama. This will only continue so don’t buy into the mantra that things are getting better, which is a delusion coming from the misinformed.   Earth is endless centuries into evolution and the basic state of humanity hasn’t changed.   It’s more blown up thanks to the easy way that information is transmitted into the consciousness of others.  Many people have a toxic addiction to drama.

If you obsessed over Meryl Streep’s Golden Globe speech praising her, but you remained quiet when it came to the 18 year old mentally disabled boy that was tortured on live social media on New Year’s Eve, then you don’t truly care about the disabled, bullying, or getting to the real truth.  You cannot pick and choose what works for you.  This method isn’t any different than those who pick and choose from the Bible on what they choose to follow if it’s aligned with their ego.  All you care about is the gossip and the drama.  You only care that it was a popular actor slandering a man that the actor disapproves of for ten minutes while others cheered and applauded.  That’s no different than joining a lynch mob with pitchforks and nails to crucify someone who rubs you the wrong way.  That has nothing to do with love.

The speech was presented to a room full of people wearing $10,000-$20,000 dresses and suits who arrived from their million dollar mansions in luxurious vehicles feeling immense self-pity and fear over who the new President of the United States is. It’s incredibly difficult to get the average hard working person to feel bad about that.   I personally haven’t seen this many people filled with this much fear on a grand scale since Biblical days.   History has shown where that got everybody.  It is ironic that the tables have been turned to an extent if you notice the imbalance that is currently taking place. Those who are typically known for compassion and love have been lacking in those qualities for a couple of years now.

I informed everyone nearly two years ago in a blog post that the angels foretold that Donald Trump would be the next President.  That psychic prediction came true when no working medium or psychic could see or believe it.   My communication with my Spirit team is crystal clear in that respect because I don’t have an emotional attachment to world events in the same way that the average person does.  I view it through the perspective of Heaven’s eyes.  Had Meryl or anybody else read that post which has been online since August 2015, then they could have taken steps to work on accepting what was to come.  It was to come.  It did come.  It was predestined and soul contracted for a larger reason, whether anyone likes it or not.

As it stands, the higher beings in Heaven don’t view Donald Trump with the kind of distaste that the darkness of ego in humankind does.  They see who he is deep inside and what he is intended to do.  He won’t be able to cause any real dangerous damage that isn’t supported or guided by Heaven, so all will always be well in the end.  Check back in 2020 to see if that is truly the case and if you had simply wasted years off your life living in fear and focusing on nonsense.

Everyone was messaging me asking what I thought of Meryl’s speech, and of course I had not seen it since as I don’t watch television or award shows.  It wasn’t challenging for anyone to send me the video of it and ask me to watch it for my feedback.  Anyone who knows me well already knows that it’s not a speech I would care for.  Listening to someone continuously beat a dead horse against a rock it’s not something I partake in.

It was a strange speech to give for a lifetime achievement acknowledgment, so of course I didn’t applaud it.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I wouldn’t.  I don’t applaud disrespect.  The irony is that in her speech she informed those listening that disrespect invites disrespect.  Yet, that’s not the case when you’re being disrespectful yourself.  It causes the ultimate message to be null and void.

If you’re guilty of disrespecting others following that through time wasting drama by applauding it, then you also missed the point of Meryl’s message, which fell into the realms of gossip regardless.  That was her personal truth that she’s been wrestling with apparently.  All the speech did was cause a rise in disrespecting others.  She couldn’t have been that naive to not know that this is what was going to happen.  Meryl has always been a level headed person, but that was chucked out the window on the night of the Golden Globes, one of the most pretentious evenings that takes place once a year.

It’s currently considered “trendy” to make fun of President’s or President elects, but it doesn’t help or change anyone’s consciousness to make fun of anyone.  You can’t claim to be against bullying and disrespect while you’re engaging that behavior yourself.  I’ve never been a fan of any President, but I’ve never made fun of them or permanently bathed in this strange toxic anger that they are the ones in the White House the way so many in the world are.  That action alone is what has halted the consciousness of humankind at this time.

Meryl has had an incredible film career full of blessings that have lasted endless decades. She had an opportunity to shed light on that as well as the positives of entertainment and film, but instead she resorted to gossip that was taken out of context.  I can see how so many were bothered by her speech, because this is a woman who is considered to be extremely respected and classy.  She usually remains neutral and would never offend anyone until that night.  It was out of character for her publicly, but no doubt gives insight into what she’s battling with behind closed doors at home.

Meryl Streep is one of the greatest actors in cinema history, but she focused completely on gossip in her speech when receiving her lifetime achievement award.   It’s a silly little award that no one remembers anyway.  Can you name every single person who received this award without looking them up?   Likely not.  She doesn’t care about it either, which is why she focused on Donald Trump the entire time instead of what the award means to her and the body of work she’s contributed to the film business.

There are reasons that situations and circumstances take place that are beyond the ego’s control.  This includes who is soul contracted to become “President of the United States”. It wouldn’t matter who Meryl was directing her concerns towards or whether it was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, or Donald Trump.  It would have been equally poor form to stoop to that level.  To continuously harp on negativity and past gossip does nothing to help anyone move forward.  Meryl’s speech was so controversial that it was ridiculously applauded by some and condemned by others as being out of place and out of touch.

The real truth is that her speech will help no one in any way at all ever.  It will give no one an epiphany who disagrees with her, and those that agree are focused on the gossip high they experienced by enjoying a popular actor condemn a man she and they continuously complain about and disapprove of.   The lynch mob cheered, “Yeah!  You tell him!”   No one will take any positive steps to improve matters following that pointless speech, which is another reason it falls into time wasting gossip.  The world has been listening to how the darkness of ego hates Donald Trump with incredible venom.  We get it.  You hate him.  Now work on moving past that instead of taking a bath in this bloody anger that helps you evolve in no manner at all.  It also helps no one who agrees or disagrees with you.  It is time wasting gossip that does nothing to help anyone.   It’s just gossip for people to bitch and moan about around the water cooler in the office.  It’s toxicity that benefits no one at all.

If Meryl, and those who praised and posted on about her speech, truly cared about the disabled and are extremely concerned about bullying and mocking, then she and anyone else guilty would have expressed repeated distaste over the 18 year old mentally disabled boy that was tortured with a hammer for hours while being video taped on a live Facebook feed for entertainment.  They all remained eerily mum about what happened to this poor guy physically.  I posted about it at the start of the New Year long before all of this rose up and I questioned why this wasn’t trending.  It’s because only gossip trends.  If you posted praise about Meryl Streep’s speech, or you condemned Donald Trump, but you said nothing about this horrific act that took place on this mentally disabled boy, then you are a monster.  You don’t really care about the disabled or bullying.  You only care about what’s trending, what’s trendy, what’s aligned with entertainment and Donald Trump.  You are stuck in this repeated cycle of running on a hamster wheel getting absolutely nowhere.

In the horrific video, the man’s wrists are bound and his mouth taped shut as his captors shout racial slurs and slice at his clothes with a knife.  One person taps ash from a cigarette on an open wound they made on top of the guy’s head.  Another video clip shows at least one of the attackers hovering above the young man, kneeling over a toilet. The suspect grabs the boy’s head and submerges it in the bowl.  The suspects, all of whom are black, made “terrible racist statements” against white people during the on-camera torture session, which was visibly racially motivated.  They said, “Fuck white people!  Fuck Donald Trump!”  This is the heart and soul of those who hate Donald Trump and everything affiliated with him.  This is why no one condemned what happened to this disabled boy, because Donald Trump’s name was mentioned in it.  They have no love or compassion in their hearts.   This is why it’s very difficult to take Meryl Streep’s speech seriously or anyone praising it.

I saw no one who supported and posted praise about Meryl’s words utter one breath about this other horrible vicious act that should have got much larger attention.  Perhaps it’s because it wasn’t Meryl that the violence was happening to.  The hypocrisy is in plain view in front of the masses, but the ego refuses to do the work to get to that place of ultimate truth.  They want to continue whining about a President and how much they hate him. When Donald Trump’s team talked about what happened to this man, those that hate Donald Trump used that to continue to attack Donald instead of condemning the violence that took place.

This is about the continuous lynching, whining, and complaining that goes on.  Listening to it coming from either end is incredibly counter productive, but it has to be talked about because it’s the only thing that the masses of egos are obsessed with.  It was the top trending story!  Well, anything having to do with Donald Trump always makes headlines, because it’s gossip and the ego gets a wonderful beautiful rush high in obsessing over it.  All of those souls will stay exactly where they are spiraling downward into a cesspool of toxicity that they haven’t been able to climb out of.

If Donald Trump mocked a disabled reporter, then that would be as low as you can go.  I’ve seen the video of him making frazzled hand and arm gesture, but I’ve also seem him making that same exact physical reaction with many other people, including his Republican opponent Ted Cruz.   Where is this disabled reporter?   Why has he remained mum about this incredibly controversial account?  If he truly was mocked, then he would’ve spoken out about it by now, and he most definitely would have said something in the face of critics after Meryl mentioned it in her speech.   He would have thanked her for bringing it to light or he would have stepped forward to say it never happened.  He has been eerily absent this entire time.  No one has heard of this mysterious reporter.  Let’s say, this is true and did happen, it is still nowhere near as being as vile as the torture that took place on the mentally disabled boy.  THAT should have been at the forefront in Meryl’s speech.

In the end, if anyone cares about a disabled being made of fun of or harmed, then bring to light an actual event that DID take place and IS on video.  That story is still strangely silent for some reason.  Once again the priorities of the masses continue to be misguided and twisted.  This is also because no one truly cares about who is made of, as that is what people are doing all the way around this anyway.  They’re making fun of Donald and his orange face and his hair, or they’re making fun of Meryl, and making fun of everybody.  No one cares.  They only care about the gossip and negativity surrounding it.  They only care who is doing it.   You can’t pick and choose.  You are either dignified or you’re not.

In the end, the fact that Donald Trump is President and that Meryl is unhappy about that doesn’t matter, as it’s all trivial in the larger scheme of things. Let it go and focus on higher priorities that can assist in advancing and evolving your soul forward.  This is not it.

Meryl Streep is an incredibly caring and compassionate person in general.  She is one of the greatest actors of all time.  What we’re looking at here is about someone being misguided by their ego in one particular instance and not who she is as a whole.  It makes zero sense that someone would condemn someone who allegedly mocked another person for several reasons.

One being that Meryl was upset that someone mocked a disabled person years ago, but she didn’t bother to condemn the violence that took place recently against another disabled person which lasted for days until he finally escaped.  What that man endured was far worse and upsetting than a mocking.  How you can be upset about an alleged mocking over a video that is out there on the internet showing the violence on a disabled person is unfathomable.

Second the mocking of the disabled person is still debatable since the one who was allegedly mocked has never spoken out to confirm or deny it, which is unusual considering the journalist in question makes a living by speaking out to begin with.

Thirdly, Meryl makes her living playing or in this case mocking others as she played Donald Trump in a piece herself.   This is by all means not taking the President’s side, but this is about weighing all sides.  And in fact, I’m a huge fan of Meryl Streep over any Presidential candidate.  Trust me.  Meryl is still by far my favorite over all of them.  Yet, I don’t kiss asses just because I like you.  I call out your injustices and bring it to light.  One can easily counter Meryl’s accusations and many have such as Piers Morgan.

There are good and bad qualities in every human being that exists, because they all have a higher self and an ego they continue to wrestle with.  In some cases, it’s worse than others.  That is their journey and fight to come to terms with.  The bottom line is Meryl Streep is typically a classy being and it was unfortunate that she couldn’t come up with something better to say in this instance.    I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it. MOVE-ON!   Focus on more important things.  Avoid the rush addiction to drama and in becoming engrossed in pointless media stories.  The big reason for this obsession is usually from those who fall into boredom.  When you’re productive, you don’t have time to become obsessed by what someone said in the news or what the President said in a tweet.  Secondary post-traumatic symptoms are a result of falling into the toxic addiction temporary high of who the President is or how Meryl Streep feels about it.

Is this what people truly think of someone being tortured?  As evident on this reporters smiling face following the video of the torture that took place on the disabled man.

CNN is having a rough week. First they were declared as a fake news…

Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones go at it together to save their marriage in the movie, “Hope Springs”.

Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones go at it together to save their marriage in the movie, “Hope Springs”.   Want to know how to make your relationship work?  You both have to care about it and get into it.

This was a lovely film about an older couple who has been married for 31 years. They both have settled into the routine of their lives. The wife is very aware that it has grown stale and she longs to have that spark put back into their relationship. The husband doesn’t understand this, but when he realizes he might lose her and that she is serious, he unwillingly goes along with it. What truly makes this movie are the two lead actors, Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones. They both offer exceptional performances bringing comedy and drama into a real life situation. Meryl ads just the right girlishness into her character, Kay, while Tommy invokes a guy cut off from all emotion as her Husband, Arnold.

Although these days I wonder who is still around that has been married for 31 years. My generation doesn’t seem to have a handle on long term relationships to begin with. They do not know how to make it work or are even aware of what it truly entails. It’s not all hearts and roses. This movie would be a great documentary on how to show that marriage and long term relationships are serious business.

Kay enrolls she and her husband into a week long extensive couples therapy session in Hope Springs, Maine. It’s a quaint, cottage like town where everyone knows that many of the visitors are there to meet up with the head couples counselor, Dr. Feld, played by Steve Carrell.   Kay is desperate to revive her marriage at all costs and Arnold will be forced to get into it whether he likes it or not.

Do they find a newness in each other and passion for what was once there? You’ll have to see the movie to find out. I enjoyed this look at a married couple finding an avenue to breath new life into their relationship. It was very honest and moving. The movie manages to keep it light while finding just the right moments to bring in the emotion. This is mainly successful due to the gifted actors playing the roles. In less capable hands, this movie would’ve fallen into a snooze fest. Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones are a delight to watch in action.

Other movie goers who prefer the blow ’em blockbusters that move at a fast pace will likely be bored with this though. I imagine those not knowing much about the seriousness of relationships will also likely want to slit their wrists while watching this. I loved it and I think anyone who has had problems in a long term relationship will be moved by this movie. If you enjoy character driven stories, then you may like this as well.

Lois Smith publicist to actress Michelle Pfeiffer passed away

Lois Smith publicist to actress Michelle Pfeiffer passed away.  She was a sweet woman who loved movies and all of her clients that included Robert Redford, Kevin Kline, Mandy Patinkin, Bill Murray, Meryl Streep, Robert Altman and Lord Richard Attenborough.

Michelle Pfeiffer with her longtime publicist Lois Smith

She was the founder of the powerhouse publicity firm called PMK. She is someone that current publicists can learn from. Her motto was always, “less is more”. Always leave them wanting more. Don’t overload the public with information. Keep it simple. Exhibit a great deal of calm with the client, not always with the media or the opposing person, but bring calmness to the clients, and they’ll feel comfortable.

Like me, she had two lives:  Work and Family.  She’d go into the office every day, but she didn’t do the show business life at night.  She wanted to be home.

She was Michelle Pfeiffer’s publicist her entire career up until about 2003 when she retired.  She passed away at 83.

Meryl Streep with publicist, Lois Smith