Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones go at it together to save their marriage in the movie, “Hope Springs”.

Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones go at it together to save their marriage in the movie, “Hope Springs”.   Want to know how to make your relationship work?  You both have to care about it and get into it.

This was a lovely film about an older couple who has been married for 31 years. They both have settled into the routine of their lives. The wife is very aware that it has grown stale and she longs to have that spark put back into their relationship. The husband doesn’t understand this, but when he realizes he might lose her and that she is serious, he unwillingly goes along with it. What truly makes this movie are the two lead actors, Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones. They both offer exceptional performances bringing comedy and drama into a real life situation. Meryl ads just the right girlishness into her character, Kay, while Tommy invokes a guy cut off from all emotion as her Husband, Arnold.

Although these days I wonder who is still around that has been married for 31 years. My generation doesn’t seem to have a handle on long term relationships to begin with. They do not know how to make it work or are even aware of what it truly entails. It’s not all hearts and roses. This movie would be a great documentary on how to show that marriage and long term relationships are serious business.

Kay enrolls she and her husband into a week long extensive couples therapy session in Hope Springs, Maine. It’s a quaint, cottage like town where everyone knows that many of the visitors are there to meet up with the head couples counselor, Dr. Feld, played by Steve Carrell.   Kay is desperate to revive her marriage at all costs and Arnold will be forced to get into it whether he likes it or not.

Do they find a newness in each other and passion for what was once there? You’ll have to see the movie to find out. I enjoyed this look at a married couple finding an avenue to breath new life into their relationship. It was very honest and moving. The movie manages to keep it light while finding just the right moments to bring in the emotion. This is mainly successful due to the gifted actors playing the roles. In less capable hands, this movie would’ve fallen into a snooze fest. Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones are a delight to watch in action.

Other movie goers who prefer the blow ’em blockbusters that move at a fast pace will likely be bored with this though. I imagine those not knowing much about the seriousness of relationships will also likely want to slit their wrists while watching this. I loved it and I think anyone who has had problems in a long term relationship will be moved by this movie. If you enjoy character driven stories, then you may like this as well.

About Kevin Hunter

Kevin Hunter is the bestselling author of dozens of books for people from all walks of life to assist the soul on its Earthly journey. As an unconventional, often rebellious truth teller that walks to the beat of his own drum, he’s written and published countless books in the areas of metaphysics, spirituality, philosophy, self-help, parapsychology, love, relationships, dating and career. Using his lifelong clairaudient and claircognizant gifts to communicate with God and his Spirit team, he merges the spiritual with the practical guidance offered to relay messages from beyond in a way that is palatable. He started out in the film business at the young age of 23 in 1996 working with one of the bigger movie stars at the time and at the iconic height of her box office reign, Michelle Pfeiffer. While at her former small boutique production company, he read submitted scripts sent by her decades long agent and wrote coverage on hundreds of submissions. This was in order to narrow down projects that Pfeiffer and her producing partner/BF, Kate Guinzburg could produce and/or have Michelle star in. After Pfeiffer dissolved her company, he made a move into coordinating film productions for the major studios for years before stepping away to follow his ultimate passion in becoming an author. Hardworking, intelligent, well-loved, and sought after in-person, and exceptionally experienced in life and overcoming obstacles, he shares his street-smart knowledge gained coupled with his Divine gifts. His many written works are for those interested or ready for it. This is with the ultimate goal of helping one person at a time. Because of his rough around the edge’s nature, he’s not the generic cookie-cutter popular spiritual author prototype one expects. He’s an unapologetic acquired taste that naturally attracts in those that either supremely love his work or hate it, he’s not for the hypercritical and unevolved or those that glob to what’s trendy. Many of his loyal readers fall into different political affiliations, denominations, sexual orientations and so forth. He attracts a Universal audience, which not many can say.

Posted on April 24, 2013, in Gender Studies, Kevin Hunter Author Writer, Love and Relationships, Love/Sex/Marriage and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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