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What does my Spirit team say about Halloween and is the veil really thin between our world and the spirit world?

Happy Halloween! ~ Halloween is one of the more popular holidays celebrated around the world. Of course its history is long and vast. Nowadays it’s mostly a time where people have fun with it by dressing up in costume, watching scary movies or visiting haunted houses and theme parks.

There are a lot of myths and legends associated with the holiday that are too detailed to get into, but I can tell you that most of it is not true as my team has explained. It was initially meant to be a day to remember the deceased, including saints etc. It kind of took on an entirely new meaning. People started to associate the dead with ghosts and goblins. You can see how the holiday can easily take on a life of its own.

When I asked my team on the other side if the veil is really thin between our world and their world, I received a surprising, ‘yes’. I actually did not expect that. The reason is mostly because so much energy is focused on the dead by human souls around Halloween time and on the very day that it invites and attracts more of that from the other side. Even though people are doing it just for play, it is having an effect. Of course the effects are totally harmless, although you should shield and take care that you don’t invite unwanted negative spirits who drain your energy into your vicinity.

Those on the other side are pure, but there are spirits who are what some might describe in ‘limbo’. These are the ones who refused or were afraid to enter the light and instead attached themselves to human souls. However, they are usually attracted to darker lights and people who are bathed in addictions or in negativity in some manner. So if that doesn’t describe you, then you most likely have nothing to worry about.

Incidentally, the messages they have for us is, they said the words, “transition” and “abundance”. This is right on par with the Fall harvest and the Solar Eclipse this weekend. They didn’t even get into the whole Halloween thing, but focused on using this energy, which is wide open right now, to manifest abundance. Sow the seeds of what you want in your mind. This is a very powerful few days.

Kevin Hunter

Learn how to connect with your own Spirit team in Heaven by fine tuning your body and soul.
All books are available in paperback and kindle wherever books are sold.

Warrior of Light: Messages from my Guides and Angels” –

Empowering Spirit Wisdom: A Warrior of Light’s Guide on Love, Career and the Spirit World“ PaperbackKindle.

The content in the “Warrior of Light” and “Empowering Spirit Wisdom” is available in the Warrior of Light series of mini-books: