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Lois Smith publicist to actress Michelle Pfeiffer passed away

Lois Smith publicist to actress Michelle Pfeiffer passed away.  She was a sweet woman who loved movies and all of her clients that included Robert Redford, Kevin Kline, Mandy Patinkin, Bill Murray, Meryl Streep, Robert Altman and Lord Richard Attenborough.

Michelle Pfeiffer with her longtime publicist Lois Smith

She was the founder of the powerhouse publicity firm called PMK. She is someone that current publicists can learn from. Her motto was always, “less is more”. Always leave them wanting more. Don’t overload the public with information. Keep it simple. Exhibit a great deal of calm with the client, not always with the media or the opposing person, but bring calmness to the clients, and they’ll feel comfortable.

Like me, she had two lives:  Work and Family.  She’d go into the office every day, but she didn’t do the show business life at night.  She wanted to be home.

She was Michelle Pfeiffer’s publicist her entire career up until about 2003 when she retired.  She passed away at 83.

Meryl Streep with publicist, Lois Smith