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Full Moon in Pisces. Skyrocket into a state of euphoric, heavenly rapture.


We begin this week with the Full Moon in Pisces on Monday. Many have been feeling the uncomfortable nuances over the past week which are related to this Full Moon. The intensity rises to its peak on Monday night. This will prompt one to dive deep into the watery depths of Pisces. Pisces is arguably the most sensitive and in tune sign in the zodiac. With that said, pay attention to heightened psychic activity within and around you as it will likely be bouncing off the Richter scale. The moods of someone born under the sign of Pisces are much like the ocean tides which constantly ebb and flow. Sometimes the tides are calm and peaceful. An hour later the tides are stormy and tempestuous. Both extremes are very powerful so be careful how you channel this energy and steer clear of someone negatively influenced by this sensitive transit. The plus side to this moon is it can push one to skyrocket into a state of euphoric, joyful, heavenly, rapture. The negative side to this moon is the opposite extreme where one falls deep down into the bottom of the perils of the ocean suffocating in a sea of depression, pain, and suffering. Let’s choose to shoot upward into paradise! Use this magnificently powerful Full Moon energy to your advantage.

~  Kevin Hunter

Empowerment, inspirational and self-help books by Kevin Hunter
are available in paperback and kindle wherever books are sold.

The content in the books, “Warrior of Light” and “Empowering Spirit Wisdom” is
available in the Warrior of Light series of mini-books: