Conversation w/ DeDee Pfeiffer

My awesome buddy DeDee Pfeiffer and I dive into some spiritual talk on her podcast “Down with DeDee”.

I’ve always been an extremely guarded person, which is why she was so cool in suggesting we do something different.  Hence the colorful creative emojis and avatar thing we got going on. 😆 Who knows maybe next time I’ll take the avatar off.  What’s most important is the message. 🥰❤️ 

DeDee is one of the most magically phenomenal people I know.  You have no idea, her heart and light is so big that it’s immensely intoxicating. That’s one of many reasons I folded and turned my typical “no” into a “yes”.   While our personal private talks have gone on for hours, this recorded session was kept buttoned up to a nice short and sweet 30 minute convo. 

The podcast conversation was released on 11-22-23, which is the 13 year anniversary of my Near-Death Experience on 11-22-10. The Near-Death Experience was significant because of the massive transformation it caused within me. It’s what propelled the writings of all the spiritual related books.