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The first official party I threw was a Halloween party.

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The first official party I threw was a Halloween party. This was only because my friends kept insisting on it. I designated five friends of my choice to take on specific leadership roles for this bash which they agreed. I said, “Look, if I’m gonna do it, then I’m really gonna do it.” I thought no one would show up. The opposite happened.

This Halloween party was so massive that nearly 1500 people showed up over the course of the night. There was a club DJ there shaking the walls, endless kegs, and it was also dark because it was a Halloween party with scary shit everywhere.

There was wall to wall people to the point where you couldn’t move. The crowds kept getting progressively worse into the night that by 3 am it was double capacity. That’s when a couple of my friends had approached me smiling with concern, so I called the police to break up my own party. I didn’t know what else to do at that point.

It took over an hour after the cops arrived to get everyone going. Later into the early morning I found my friends busy cleaning everything including out on the street. There were people lying all over the place passed out. I remember moving through them as if they were dead bodies and mumbled, “Who the fuck is this?”

This also started a trend where others were making a point to say the same thing, “Whenever Kevin throws a party….you NEVER see him. At some point he emerges with this politician energy working every single person, hugging them, kissing them, shaking their hands, talking to them. He makes it over to you, makes you feel welcome, talks for a few minutes, then moves on, and you never see him again that night.”

Empowerment, inspirational and self-help books by Kevin Hunter
are available in paperback and kindle wherever books are sold.